Saturday, September 10, 2011

Carrie The Movie Lives On

Carrie the movie is a 1976 film adaptation of the novel with the same name written by Stephen King. King wrote the novel the year prior and it was known to be the first of his books to be bought for film rights.

It starred Sissy Spacek as the main character of Carrie. This role eventually earned her an Academy Award nomination for the Best Actress Category. Her portrayal was directed by Brian de Palma who had a great heavy lending from the movies made by Alfred Hitchcock. This gave Carrie the same kind of feel and character.

As for box office standing, Carrie the movie generated a domestic gross of $33,800,000. A huge profit earned from its original budget of merely $1.8 million. In 1976, it was named one of the best films after Steven Spielberg's Jaws shown the year before.

The movie adhered to most of the characters depicted in the novel in the beginning of the draft. However, as it should be, later on became restricted due to the financial situation that surrounded it. A lot of the scenes and important details had to be taken out from the first draft. Even the principal character of Carrie the movie did not truthfully reflect how she was originally described in King's novel.